Don’t miss out on this totally RAD virtual event! !Only $25 per family.
Tune in to the best 90’s cover band around AND you will be supporting Dapplegray Booster Club!
Three easy steps to register:
Go to @Dapplegray-Booster (Booster Club Venmo account) and pay $25.00. Please be sure to make a note that says “concert” so we will know to send you the Facebook link with your access code. If you don’t have Venmo, please make a check out to Dapplegray Booster Club and leave with Sue in the Dapplegray office by NOON on Friday.
Send an email to to let us know that you’ve made a payment. We will verify payment and then add you to the Facebook group for the concert.
Go to FAMILY FUNDRAISING FRIDAY- SO RAD (Facebook-Group) and join the group then join us at 7pm Friday night for an amazing concert!! Look forward to seeing you!